ThusoMsutha and Besa Basaiti receiving their prices.PC:Kabelo Seleka
BY:Kabelo Seleka
Candidate Master Thuso Mosutha was crowned 2020 Metropolitan National Final Chess Open section Champion walking away with P10 000.00 cash prize.
Thuso Mosutha bossed the competition that Botswana Chess Federation (BCF) staged from the 18th of July until to the 22nd of the same month that attracted 22 competitors amid covid-19 scare.
The 2016 winner of Swaziland International Open Chess Championship Thuso Mosutha,cemented his crown with a total of 7.5 points from 9 rounds of the game of chess.
In an interview with SPORTSNATION,Thuso Mosutha shared that his secret is mainly tactical while approaching games of this magnitude.
In the ladies section,one of Botswana’s most decorated chess youngsters Besa Masaiti won with a total of 7.5 points gaining a gold medal,a trophy and P8000.00 cash prize.
The 19 year old Besa Masaiti marvelously impressed to dominated the ladies section and cement a national team spot for her.
The teenage chess player alluded to this publication that she dedicates her blockbuster performance to her father who has been with her since the beginning of her career.
Hello Mobile has gifted award our National Champions of Metropolitan Open Chess Championship with tablets.
Hello Mobile insisted that they want to encourage the two champions to continue playing online thus awarding the two with tablets.
Mens section
1.CM Thuso Mosutha
2. Oratile Kgotlane
3. Moemedi Machobane
Ladies section
1. WFM Besa Masaiti
2. WIM Onkemetse Francis
3. WCM Refilwe Gabatshwarwe
The Metropolitan National chess championship Finals is an annual chess event sponsored by Metropolitan Insurance,BCF/Metropolitan are said to be at advanced stages to extend their contract.
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