

BY:Letsile Matlhodi
More luck is needed for team Botswana at the on going CAN games as already one game has been won from the men’s team and none from the ladies out of 5 games that were played today.

The results stand as follows, Emmanuel Mabechu from the men’s local team lost his first game to Madagascar’s sensational Rakotonbramboa Miary Zo  6-2 6-2,the Madagascar’n player will proceed to play with the fairly known Kazembe Edgar from Zambia.Only Tsholofelo Tsiang of the blue,black and white colors won in a set of 6-1 6-2 against Maoulida Ali Amir, meanwhile Anele Maplanka of Team Botswana  lost to Haida Shania from Kenya.

What needs to be expected at the end of the championships is intriguing  prices as nobody walks away empty handed even in the world of tennis. The first runner up in the men’s single will get a whopping $1,800, the doubles will get $600. The ladies first runner up will also go home with a package,$100,the double’s team will get $400. For both men and the ladies the teams events will be held on the last game were a winner from the men’s team will get $2,400 and the ladies will receive $1,600.

The games continue tomorrow until the 10th of November  2018.

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